Little Rockets Childcare
'aiming higher, together'
Drugs and Alcohol Policy (Employees)
This document sets out the drugs and alcohol policy for Little Rockets Childcare Ltd.
‘At Work’
An individual is ‘at work’ for the duration of the whole working day, including lunch breaks, rest breaks, overtime (whether paid or otherwise) and early starts.
All substances of any description, whether legally obtained or otherwise, including prescription and ‘over the counter’ medications, that may have an adverse effect on an individual’s ability to carry out their work duties.
Drug or alcohol use can have a negative impact on the individual’s work and wellbeing. This can include deteriorating performance, behaviour, relationships, attitude etc.
‘Under the Influence’
An individual’s ability to perform their normal work duties is impaired due to the consumption of drugs or alcohol. This includes being over the legal alcohol limit for driving in the UK as well as adverse reactions to ‘over the counter’ and legally obtained drugs.
Policy Statement
Little Rockets Ltd has a legal and moral obligation to ensure, as far as reasonably practicable, the health, safety and welfare of its employees, the children in its care and visitors to its premises.
Little Rockets Ltd recognises that drug and alcohol misuse by employees is a serious health and safety issue, which can impact on an individual’s health, quality of life, family relationships, social relationships as well as their work productivity.
Drug and alcohol misuse also impacts on the responsible and socially concerned image that the Company portrays. It must be born in mind that the use of illegal drugs is a criminal offence and in no way can this be condoned by Little Rockets Ltd.
Drug and alcohol misuse can lead to dependency and abuse. However, these conditions are treatable and the success rate is likely to be greatest when the individual concerned acknowledges they have a problem.
Drug and alcohol misuse at a level not yet at dependency or abuse, but at a level likely to lead thereto, is also a serious threat to an individual’s health, safety and wellbeing, and can have a detrimental effect on the Company’s business activities. Such misuse is preventable and is best addressed by the individual, supported by appropriate awareness training programmes.
Little Rockets Ltd aims to create within the nursery an environment in which children are safe and in which employees with an alcohol or drug related problem can acknowledge it and seek sympathetic help from the Company.
In order to achieve this:
ï‚· Individuals must not be under the influence of alcohol or illegal drugs at any time whilst at work
ï‚· Individuals must not bring any alcohol or illegal drugs onto company premises
ï‚· Individuals must not consume alcohol or use any illegal drugs whilst at work or on company premises
ï‚· Individuals found in possession of any suspicious substance whilst at work will be reported to the police
ï‚· Individuals must only take prescribed and over the counter drugs in accordance with the label, the patient instruction leaflet, and the pharmacists instructions. Employees are responsible for checking the side effects of any such medication. Where the effects of the medication may impact on the individual’s ability to do their job safely and effectively they must inform the nursery Manager immediately
ï‚· Individual’s found or suspected to be under the influence of alcohol or drugs whilst at work will be asked to leave the premises and offered appropriate assistance to return home safely
ï‚· Employees found to be or suspected of being under the influence of drugs or alcohol at work will be investigated under the disciplinary procedure.
ï‚· Employees voluntarily disclosing that they have a problem with alcohol or drugs will be treated the same as any other employee with an illness. Where employees admit to having a drug or alcohol problem, they will not be subject to the disciplinary procedure (except in cases of gross misconduct), provided that:
- They undergo and complete a programme of rehabilitation,
- Their subsequent workplace behaviour and performance is satisfactorily maintained.
The company will provide confidential support to any employee seeking help with a drug or alcohol related problem. The company’s aim is to assist in the employee’s rehabilitation and subsequent effective return to work.
Duty to comply
This policy applies to all employees, which includes Directors, Managers and Deputy Managers. This policy also applies to all contractors whose personnel are employed on company premises, as well as to all students and volunteers. It is the responsibility of all employees to comply with this policy. Failure to comply may be treated as misconduct.
Roles and Responsibilities
1. The Director is responsible for:
ï‚· Ensuring that Little Rockets Childcare has in place a drug and alcohol policy
ï‚· Communicating the drug and alcohol policy to all employees
2. The Manager and Deputy Manager are responsible for:
ï‚· Ensuring the staff under their control, including students, volunteers and contractors, understand and comply with the requirements of this policy
ï‚· Implementing the policy within Little Rockets Childcare
ï‚· Making arrangements to ensure that an individual they suspect of being under the influence does not pose a health and safety risk to themselves or others
ï‚· Asking an individual they suspect of being under the influence to leave the premises and offering appropriate assistance to return home safely
3. Employees are responsible for:
ï‚· Familiarising themselves with the requirements of this policy
ï‚· Co-operating with management and complying with the requirements of this policy
ï‚· Declaring that they are unavailable for work in the event that they are contacted outside of their normal hours to attend for work and are unable to comply with the terms of this policy
ï‚· Seeking guidance as to the effects of any medication they are taking, whether prescribed or bought over the counter, may have on their ability to perform their work duties. Where the effects of the medication may impact on individual’s ability to do their job safely and effectively, they must inform the Nursery Manager immediately
ï‚· Reporting any misuse of drugs or alcohol by any person whilst on the Company’s premises
ï‚· Reporting any person suspected of bringing alcohol or illegal drugs onto Company premises
ï‚· Reporting any person suspected of being under the influence of drugs or alcohol whilst on the Company’s premises
4. Students, volunteers and contractors are responsible for:
ï‚· Familiarising themselves with the requirements of this policy
Co-operating with management, complying with the requirements of this policy