Little Rockets Childcare
'aiming higher, together'
Policy statement
Grievance procedures exist to ensure that any concerns or complaints that staff members have are settled quickly and as fairly as possible. If a staff member feels they are receiving unfair treatment or being harassed by other staff members, or have any grievance about their employment, they should be initially raised with the individual concerned, if appropriate. If the grievance persists, or if the concern relates to working conditions then the staff member should seek advice from the manager (or Deputy if the grievance relates to the manager ) who should seek to resolve the matter on the staff members behalf. If the matter cannot be resolved informally then the grievance should be dealt with following a three step process.
Step One
The staff member must put their grievance in writing to their employer. This should clearly outline the reasons for the grievance. The employer should give the staff member full details of their rights under the Grievance procedures, including relevant timescales. Prior to the meeting, both parties must be given time to consider the complaint.
Step Two
A face to face meeting between the staff member and the Manager must be called. The staff member has the right to be accompanied by someone, usually a colleague or trade union representative, who may speak on their behalf. The staff member and their representative should state their case, calling witnesses if necessary. The manager should consider their decision in private. At the end of this meeting the manager must inform the staff member of their decision and that they have the right to appeal.
Step Three
If required, there will be an appeal meeting. The staff member must request an appeal meeting within five working days of the grievance hearing. The staff member or their representative will be given the opportunity to state their case and witnesses for both sides may be called and questioned. Again, the Manager should consider the case in private and give the staff member their decision, which is final.