Little Rockets Childcare
'aiming higher, together'
Policy statement
Little Rockets takes necessary steps to safeguard and promote the welfare of children.
ï‚· Mini buses and coaches should have forward facing seats with seat belts.
ï‚· Booster seats will be used if required by law.
ï‚· Drivers should have undergone formal assessment of their ability to drive a minibus. Coach drivers must be employed by the coach company.
ï‚· Evidence of current driving licence and drivers name should be held by the setting. Coach companies should be asked to ensure that their driver has a current, legal driving licence.
ï‚· Insurance certificate should indicate drivers allowed to drive for the setting if using a minibus.
ï‚· Details of vehicles used will include registration number, MOT details and tax details, unless hired from a coach company whereas details of the company will be sufficient.
ï‚· A registered member of staff will accompany all children.
ï‚· No child will be left in a vehicle unattended.
Staffing levels:
ï‚· A minimum of two staff from the setting must accompany the children on outings.
ï‚· Children under three years of age are taken out on a ratio of 1:2 and for older children a ratio of not more than 1:4, depending upon the trip and staff awareness of the children.
ï‚· Where possible, parents will be invited to accompany their own children on day trips to help staff meet the necessary ratios. For insurance purposes, no siblings will be allowed to attend.
ï‚· Qualified staff will be those deemed responsible on outings if parents or volunteers make up part of the adult contingent.
ï‚· Individual staff will be allocated a small group of children for whom they are responsible during the entire trip.
ï‚· All staff on the trip should be aware of emergency procedures, and carry at least one fully charged mobile phone with emergency contact details for the children and adults. In addition, they should take a small first aid kit, any prescribed medication needed by a child, spare clothing and plastic bags.
ï‚· Staff should also ensure that children are dressed suitably for the trip e.g. jackets, hats, sunscreen etc. and that drinking water is made available.
ï‚· Staff will ensure that regular headcounts are taken.
Plan of activities:
ï‚· A plan to show how the outing fits into the overall programme and the activities which will be used to prepare children for the outing beforehand, the activities to be carried out during the outing and the follow up activities to promote children’s learning after the outing will be written down and read by all adults involved in the setting.
Risk assessment:
ï‚· Before taking the children on any outing, a member of staff or the manager will visit the venue and carry out a risk assessment for the journey and location. If this is not possible then the venue will be contacted, requesting a copy of their risk assessment.
ï‚· A full risk assessment will be conducted for each outing. This will include the nature of the outing and adult / child ratio.
Parental permission:
ï‚· A consent form will be completed by parents giving the responsible person authority for their child while on the outing.
ï‚· Parental consent for short outings such as to the local shops, Langney library or the recycling facility will be recorded as part of the initial registration paperwork, when their child starts at Little Rockets.
Emergency procedures:
ï‚· Contact telephone numbers for parents will be taken.
ï‚· A fully charged mobile phone will be carried at all times. This number will also be left with a responsible person at the setting.
ï‚· A qualified paediatric first aider will be present for all outings.
ï‚· If an accident requiring medical assistance occurs to a child, an ambulance will be called, the parent will be asked to meet their child and a member of staff at the destination hospital.
ï‚· In the event of a child being lost, the ‘missing child procedure’ will be followed.
ï‚· Any incidents must be recorded in writing.
ï‚· Ofsted will be contacted and informed of any serious incidents.
Information and equipment to be taken on the trip:
ï‚· A list of children, parents phone numbers, special needs including any allergies.
ï‚· Mobile phone (fully charged).
ï‚· First aid kit and any necessary medication, accident book.
ï‚· Spare clothes, plastic bags.
ï‚· Activity plan.
ï‚· Programme including time expected back to setting. This information will also be kept in the setting.