Little Rockets Childcare
'aiming higher, together'
Risky and Adventurous Play Policy
At Little Rockets Childcare we understand that children need and want to take risks when they play. Play provision aims to respond to these needs and wishes by offering children a stimulating, challenging environment for exploring and
developing their abilities. In doing this, play provision aims to manage the level of risk so that children are not exposed to unacceptable risks of death or serious injury. We fully promote children to take risks, safely and under close supervision. Our staff members are trained in promoting learning through the outdoor environment.
A child is unlikely to attempt any form of risky play that they feel
uncomfortable with (e.g. a child would be unlikely to climb a tree if they did not think they could). Play is essential for children’s good physical and mental health and development. Through taking risks whilst playing, children learn how to manage risk, which helps them to stay safe. Play develops learning skills, central to achievement, and is essential for the development of the skills that children and young people need as they become adults and move on in education or into work.
All parents are informed that the provision Little Rockets provides allows risky play opportunities. Staff members explain to parents why they offer risky opportunities and re assure parents that the purpose of risky play is not to put their child at risk, it is an important factor in their development. The manager of the nursery will ensure that all insurance documentation allows for risky play.
Risk assessments are carried out on all new risks introduced, and all equipment is checked before use.