Little Rockets Childcare
'aiming higher, together'
Policy statement
Little Rockets feel it is important that all staff are kept informed of events and decisions in the setting.
Little Rockets feel that it is important to give staff the opportunity to present their views and give input towards the running of the setting.
We also feel it is important to keep staff up-to-date with all training and procedures.
ï‚· Staff will be required to attend regular meetings after sessions to discuss IEP’s, training, profiles, planning and any other matter that has arisen.
ï‚· Staff are required to attend In-Service days on a regular basis. Training will be relayed to them from other staff that have attended courses, and they will be given all of the latest updates on Little Rockets procedures. These meetings may be on a day that is not the staff member’s regular working day. The attending staff will be paid for this time.
ï‚· Staff who have a valid reason for not attending In-Service days will be required to go through all information and training as soon as they return to work.
ï‚· All staff are notified of all courses and training, and are invited to discuss courses they wish to attend with the Supervisor.
ï‚· The holding of and attendance at regular training and meetings are a requirement of the Early Years Education Entitlement, and failure of staff to attend meetings and training, and failure of the setting to hold meetings and encourage staff to attend training could result in the withdrawal of the EYEE Funding.